The Photography business has had its ups and downs in the last few decades.
Today the industry seems to be moving towards higher end dedicated cameras with the lower end being occupied by smartphones.
Video has also become much more important for many camera users.
The vloggers on this list help you with your Photography and many also provide tutorials on how to use Photoshop and Lightroom.
Most channels also make Camera Reviews and Lens Reviews.
The Photography business has had its ups and downs in the last few decades.
Today the industry seems to be moving towards higher end dedicated cameras with the lower end being occupied by smartphones.
Video has also become much more important for many camera users.
The vloggers on this list help you with your Photography and many also provide tutorials on how to use Photoshop and Lightroom.
Most channels also make Camera Reviews and Lens Reviews.
Who is your favorite Photography vlogger?
Let us know by clicking "Rate This" by the green arrow, for any of the channels.
Eric makes Photography Tutorials with a focus on Camera and Lens Reviews.
Kim makes Photography Tutorials with a focus on Landscape Photography.
PhotoVideo EDU makes Photography and Filmmaking Tutorials.
Most of their videos seem to be short advertisements for products.
Portual based Brendan Van Son makes Photography Tutorials.
Tech Through The Lens make videos on Photography and Filmmaking and review Cameras.
CreativeLive creates Photography Tutorials, Photoshop Tutorials and Lightroom Tutorials.
Henry makes videos focused on Landscape Photography.
Brent makes Photography and Photoshop Tutorials with a focus on Landscape and Wildlife.
He also reviews Cameras.
Spyros makes Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials.
Francisco makes Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials.
Wex Photo Video makes Photography and Filmmaking Tutorials.
Michael makes Photography Tutorials with a focus on Landscape Photography.
Dustin creates in-depth reviews of Lenses and Cameras.
Matt makes Photography Tutorials with a focus on Film Photography.
Kelbyone creates short Photography Tips, acting more like ads for their paid courses.
KingJvpes makes videos about all things Film Photography.
ZY Productions make Photography and Filmmaking Tutorials, and reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Leigh TheSnapChick reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Photo-Me-Ike makes Photography Tutorials, often involving shoots with models.
Jason makes Photography Tutorials, often with a focus on real shoots including models.
Toby Gelson creates Photography Tutorials and gear reviews.
Willem make Photography Tutorials and shoots exlusively on Film.
Photography Tips and jokes seem to be the focus of Weekly Imogen.
Serge creates Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials.
B&H makes Photography Tutorials and Camera and Lens Reviews.
Spencer makes Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials focused on Landscape and Wildlife.
Kayleigh is a fashion and beauty photographer and makes videos on all things Photography.
Gary makes videos on Landscape Photography and Wildlife Photography.
Michael makes tutorials on Photography, Photoshop and Capture One.
A mix of professional photographers create content around Photography.
Kai W's former brother in arms is making Photography Tutorials and reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Jessica focuses on tutorials for amateur photographers. She also reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Zdenka makes Tutorials on Photography, Filmmaking and Premiere.
She also reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Mike has been a full time photographer since 1993 and posts videos with Photography Tips and Tutorials.
Joe makes Photography Tutorials and Gear Reviews.
James makes videos about Photography and reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Bali based fashion photographer Anita Sadowska creates Photography and Photoshop Tutorials.
Michael does Camera Reviews and Camera Tutorials.
Evelyn Drake and Dave Paul from The Camera Store do mostly gear reviews, with some Photography Tutorials sprinkled in.
Jay P Morgan reviews gear and creates Photography and Filmmaking Tutorials.
Jason focuses on Camera and Lens Reviews from the view of a photographer and a filmmaker.
He also publishes some Photography and Filmmaking Tips.
Moment does gear reviews and Photography and Filmmaking tutorials.
Chris Hau reviews camera gear and makes videos about Photography, Filmmaking, Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials.
Taylor makes videos on Landscape Photography, Wedding Photography and does Camera
and Lens Reviewss.
Currently Hong Kong-based Australian photographer Matt Granger is putting out Photography Tutorials, Camera Reviews and Lens Reviews.
Pierre reviews Lenses and Cameras and makes Photography Tutorials.
Ted Forbes makes Photography Tutorials and reviews gear.
Brooke makes videos on creative Photography and Photoshop.
Andy makes Photography Tutorials focused on Landscape Photography.
Micael makes Photography videos focused on Macro Photography and Lens Reviews.
Mike makes various types of Photography Tutorials.
Samuel makes Photography Tutorials with a focus on lifestyle and portraits.
Dan reviews Cameras and Lenses and makes tutorials on Filmmaking and Photography.
Negative Feedback makes videos focused on Film Photography.
Gordon Laing makes Photography Tutorials and reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Joshua posts Photography Tips and shares his views on photography in general.
North Borders make Photography Tutorials with a focus on POV and Cars.
With a main focus on Landscape Photography, Nigel also reviews Cameras, Lenses and make Tutorials for Photoshop and Lightroom.
Tyler's channel is about Technology in general, with extra focus on Photography and Filmmaking.
SLR Lounge makes weekly Photography Tutorials with working pros.
Australia based portrait photographer Julia Trotti do Gear Reviews and creates Photography Tutorials.
Canadian Irene Rudnyk makes Photography and Photoshop Tutorials.
Photography Online is a twice per month show about Photography.
Simon makes videos focused on Landscape Photography.
Nathan makes Photography and Capture One Tutorials with a focus on portraits.
Gavin makes videos on Landscape Photography.
Samuel creates Photography videos with many being POV.
Kaiwan is based in Poland and creates videos related to Photography, Filmmaking and editing.
Steve makes Photography Tutorials focused on Wildlife Photography.
Becki and Chris make videos about Home Decoration, helicopters, Photography and Filmmaking.
Gerald Undone reviews Cameras, Lenses and Photography related gear in general.
Mango Street makes Photography and editing tutorials.
Adorama publishes Camera Reviews, Lens Reviews and Photography Tutorials featuring several different photographers.
Jared Polin, FroKnowsPhoto, likes to inform people he Shoots RAW. He also likes to review Cameras and Lenses.
Photographer Jessica Kobeissi is creating Photography Tutorials.
With the biggest channel in the Photography space, Peter McKinnon is putting out Photography Tutorials, Filmmaking Tutorials and Camera and Lens Reviews.
In hiring Chris and Jordan from TheCameraStoreTV in 2018, DPReview got a needed boost to their YouTube channel.
The content is a mix of gear reviews and practical tips to creators.
Jonny makes videos on Photography in general and also on Filmmaking, Photoshop and Lightroom.
Shutterstock creates Filmmaking and Photography Tutorials.
Lizzie makes videos about Photography and Filmmaking.
She also reviews Cameras and Lenses.
On top of this she makes tutorials on Photoshop, Lightroom and Premiere.
Evan Ranft makes Photography Tutorials and reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Wales based Christopher Frosts main focus is Lens Reviews of which he has done hundreds.
David makes tutorials on Photography, Filmmaking and Premiere.
He also reviews Cameras and Lenses.
Jamie makes tutorials on Photography, Lightroom, Photoshop and Premiere.
Seasoned photographer Karl Taylor creates Photography Tutorials, including guides on lighting and editing.
Manny creates Photography Tutorials and reviews gear.
COOPH, or the Cooperative of Photography, posts creative Photography Tutorials.
Jordi Koalitic makes videos with creative ideas for Photography and Filmmaking.
Camera Conspiracies make videos with a comedic take on the camera business and Photography community.
Ben makes videos on Landscape Photography shot on Film.
Nick Carver makes videos on Film Photography.
Sean focuses on general Photography tutorials.
Fstoppers make Photography Tutorials, Camera Reviews and Lens Reviews.
Mattias makes Photography Tutorials and reviews Cameras and Lenses, new and old.
Tony and Chelsea makes Photography Tutorials, Camera Reviews and Lens Reviews.
They also have a weekly podcast called Picture This, also available on their YouTube channel.
Kai W reviews Cameras and Lenses in a way only he can.
Gavin Hoey makes detailed Photography Tutorials on how to make creative photos with great lighting.
Gavin is also featured on the Adorama YouTube channel.
That's it!
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